Submit - Tailfeathers Division
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
PTAC’s annual “Page to Stage” Playwright Festival recognizes the
work of local authors and playwrights. The festival's mission is to
provide local emerging or experienced artists of all ages an opportunity
to improve their writing, enhance their craft, and have their work
performed in front of an audience.
Scripts should be between 10 and 20 pages. (For our
youth division, the Tailfeathers, submissions should be between 5 and
12 pages.) There will be a submission fee of $10 for the Adult division.
Playwrights may submit multiple pieces as long as they pay the fee
for each submission. Works that have been previously produced may be
submitted, but the playwright must disclose where and when the
work has been produced previously.
In addition, PTAC will also accept submissions for our children’s
division, the Tailfeathers. Submissions will be accepted from school
age individuals (recommended: grades 5-12). There will be no
submission fee for the Tailfeathers, and it is expected that submissions
will be between 5 and 12 pages.
Plays are reviewed and finalists are selected by committee. The number
of plays selected as Finalists will depend on the length of the selected
submissions. Adult playwrights who are selected will have the option
to direct their work themselves, to choose their own director, or to
have PTAC assign a director. (Directors will not be paid or receive a stipend.)
Directors will have the option to cast the work independently or view
audition submissions from PTAC’s open audition digital video submissions.
(For the Tailfeathers Division, a director will be assigned to direct the pieces
chosen as Finalists.)
Feel free to submit any work that you’ve written, but if you’re starting
fresh, consider using PTAC’s 2022 theme: Disguise!
Submissions chosen as Finalists will be performed virtually and will be available for streaming during May 2022. PTAC will provide a poster for each Finalist prior to the performance date. In addition, each finalist will receive a download link to the performance video after the performance.
Digital Format:
All selected plays will be presented via a digital platform. Actors will be responsible for their own technology set up (camera, microphone, etc) and Directors will be responsible for any backdrops or costuming for their actors. Individual rehearsals are the responsibility of the Director. PTAC will host the digital performance.
Submission Formatting Requirements:
All submissions are expected to be proof-read and free from most errors in spelling, grammar, and formatting. Please see the attached template for the preferred formatting style. Submissions which do not meet these requirements are not guaranteed to be read, and no refund will be provided. Submissions will only be accepted in PDF format.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Important Dates:
Monday, February 28, 2022
Digital submissions and payment due
Monday, March 14, 2022
Playwrights will be notified with the status of their submission.
March 14 - April 24, 2022
Rehearsals (scheduled & virtually hosted by the directors)
May 1 - May 31, 2022
All performances available for streaming.
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Page to Stage
Playwright's festival